Common Latin (Pharmaceutical) Plant Names in Pinyin and English

Common Latin (Pharmaceutical) Plant Names in Pinyin and English

Herbalism and it's study have been around for centuries, which is why large amounts of text and theory are seen written in Latin and Pinyin. Here are some of the most common Latin (pharmaceutical) plant names used in herbalism, translated to both pinyin and English. 

What does the Latin word Bulbus (Blb) mean in Pinyin and English?

Bulbus (BLB) means Bei in Pinyin which means Bulb in English. 

What does the Latin word Caulis mean in Pinyin and English?

Caulis means Jing in Pinyin which means Stalk, tails of the root in English.

What does the Latin word Concretio mean in English?

Concretio means congealed secretions in English.

What does the Latin word Cortex (Cx) mean in Pinyin and English?

Cortex (CX) means Pi in Pinyin which means cortex or bark in English. 

What does the Latin word Flos (Fl) mean in Pinyin and English?

Flos (FI) means Hua in Pinyin, which means Flower in English.

What does the Latin word Folium (Fm) mean in Pinyin and English?

Folium (Fm) means Ye in Pinyin which means Leaf in English. 

What does the Latin word Frucificatio mean in English?

Frucificatio means Fructification (fruiting body) of “higher fungus” (e.g.,  puffballs) in English.

What does the Latin word Fructus (Fr) mean in Pinyin and English?

Fructus (Fr) means Guo (of tree), and Luo (of plant) in Pinyin, which means Fruit in English. 

What does the Latin word Galla Gallnut (plant tumor via insect, irritant, etc) Germinatus mean in Pinyin and English?

Galla Gallnut Germinatus means Ya in Pinyin which means Sprout in English.

What does the Latin word Herba, herba cum radice (Hb) mean in Pinyin and English? 

Herba, herba cum radice (Hb) means Cao in Pinyin, which means Herb, whole plant in English.

What does the Latin word Lignum mean in Pinyin and English?

Lignum means Mu in Pinyin, which means Heartwood in English. 

What does the Latin word Nodus mean in Pinyin and English?

Nodus means Jie in Pinyin, which means Node, joint in English. 

What does the Latin word (pasta paste made from a plant part) Pericarpium (Pc) mean in Pinyin and English?

Pericarpium (Pc) means Pi in Pinyin, which means Pericarp (“skin”) of fruit formed from ripened ovary wall in English.

What does the Latin word Plumula mean in English?

Plumula means embryonic shoot/stem in English.

What does the Latin word Pollen mean in Pinyin and English?

Pollen means Pollen in both Pinyin and English. 

What does the Latin word Radice mean in Pinyin and English?

Radice means Gen in Pinyin, which means Rootlet in English. 

What does the Latin word Radix (Rx) mean in Pinyin and English?

Radix (Rx) means Ben in Pinyin, which means Root in English.

What does the Latin word Ramulus (Rml) mean in Pinyin and English?

Ramulus (Rml) means Zhi in Pinyin, which means Twig in English. 

What does the Latin word Ramus (Rm) mean in Pinyin and English?

The Latin word Ramus (Rm) means Zhi in Pinyin, which means Branch in English. 

What does the Latin word Rhizoma (Rz) mean in Pinyin and English?

The latin word Rhizoma (Rz) means Ben in Pinyin, which means Rhizome in English. 

What does the Latin word Sclerotium mean in Pinyin and English?

Sclerotium means Ling in Pinyin, which means Fungus resting body in English.

What does the Latin word Secretio mean in English?

Secretio means Secretions in English.

What does the Latin word Semen (S) mean in Pinyin and English?

Semen means Zi in Pinyin, which means Seed in English. 

What does the Latin word Spica Flower mean in English?

Spica Flower means spike in English. 

What does the Latin word Spora mean in English?

Spora means Spores (i.e. of fungus) in English. 

What does the Latin word Sporocarp mean in English?

Sporocarp means Fungus fruiting body in English.

What does the Latin word Thallus Algae, fungi, lichens or liverworts mean in Pinyin and English?

Thallus means tuber in English.


While this covers core plant related terms, there are a number of Latin preparation terms: Conquitae means Cooked, Fermentata means Fermented, and Preparatum means Prepared in English, while Recens means fresh (not dried). When reading recipes or ingredients, the latin words seu means or, et means and, and cum means with in English.

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